Carson City
Carson City Historic District
The Carson City Historic District was created in 1982 by the Carson City Board of Supervisors. Development within the district is overseen by the Historic Resources Commission. The Commission's goal is to have a vibrant historic district that integrates commercial development, private and public properties, and infill development with existing cultural resources.
Historic District Maps
Historic Photos
Historic architecture of Carson City
Historic District Development Standards part 1 part 2 part 3
2024 Carson City Historic Preservation Awards
Each year, Carson City recognizes significant preservation accomplishments to celebrate the community’s history and heritage as part of Historic Preservation and Archaeological Awareness Month during the month of May. All over the state, activities are held to serve as reminders of the important historic resources that give meaning and a sense of place to communities, and to focus attention on how critical it is to make sure those resources are preserved. Mayor Bagwell and Mike Drews, Historic Resources Commission chairman, will also present the 2024 Historic Preservation Awards to Sarah Martin and posthumously for Stan Jones to his wife, Sue at the Board of Supervisors meeting on May 2, 2024.
For Historic District surveys, please contact the Planning Division at 775-887-2180.